We’ve partnered with Booking Protect to offer customers the world’s most flexible and comprehensive refund protection cover.
Simply select a ticket with Booking Protect when you choose your seats and you’ll have peace of mind that you can request a full refund if the unexpected happens and you have to miss an event.
Fact: They’re also one of the only providers that include pre-existing medical conditions.
Missing an event is painful enough without the added financial implications. We searched for a refund protection partner that would be an extension of our brand and treat you, our beloved customers, with exceptional service standards – and we did!
As a reminder, tickets purchased without “Booking Protect”, are not eligible for a refund.
The theatre does not process the refunds when claiming through “Booking Protect” and you should always read the terms and conditions of “Booking Protect” to ensure it is suitable for your needs and your understand the circumstances that are covered.
To read more click here to visit our Booking Protect information page.